Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Shanghai Flashback...

I got an email the other day from my friend Meg in Shanghai. She sent me some pictures she took at our Mom & Toddler prayer group on the last day that our other friend Tanya was attending before moving back to Seattle for good. On the left is Tanya with her two kids, Caleb & Chloe (I think Chloe lookes like Dora the Explorer). In the middle is Meg and her daughter Maddie, then Me and Tim, and finally Belinda and one of her kids, Abigail. Its such a great group of ladies and kids, we are really going to miss Tanya.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sweet Home Chicago-land

We've been in Chicago-land for just over a week now. Timmy is loving his 4 grandparents and 6 great-grandparents, 3 dogs, and 2 cats to death. He's talking a lot, and seems to be learning at least 1 new word each day. Most still sound like baby talk, but its fun to see him learning so much.

People keep asking me the question, "So, how's China?" I don't know how to answer this question, as it is so broad and complicated. My honest answer is, China stinks! Literally! Its smelly and everything is infinitely more difficult than it is in the United States. Does that mean I don't like it? Well, I'm not sure. The jury is still out on that one. I'm happy to be home in the USA, but we don't have a home here, so its hard. Not to mention that at this point I think we will be here for 6 weeks! That is like a lifetime. We started making a life in Shanghai for the last 4 months, only to leave it all on 4 days notice for an indefinite amount of time.

I am most happy to be able to read. In China I am illiterate and I hate it. I love being able to read and use coupons and read ingredients on everything I'm eating and feeding to Timmy. I think all three of us are loving the lack of attention we get everywhere we go - meaning that we no longer stick out like a sore thumb.