Timmy is another sort of mess. He spent New Year's Eve at Scott's parents house and bounced off a dog and landed his head on the corner of a fire place. The gash on the middle of his transparent skin covered forehead was atrocious. A week later, its almost healed.
Scott started his second semester of MBA-ness at DePaul. Accounting and Economics. He says its boring, but two nights a week will give me ample opportunity to work on these 2012 goals. Especially the one about losing 15 lbs. I think I can eat less if I'm not cooking and I can definitely find some time to spend with Tony Horton and P90X if Scotty's not around to distract.
As far as progress on my the other goals:
-3 stretcher frames are built and staple guns located for canvases to be stretched. Now I just need some staples. (Its harder than you think to find time to go to a hardware store with two kids)
-at least 2 potential buyers lined up for said paintings
-Worked out 4 days this week (basically back at pre-Christmas weight)
- Read Daniel 1 & 2 a couple of times
- Prayed for friends three times this week, one prayer specifically already answered! :)
- Timmy has not learned to swim - I think this goal will wait until the summer
-Brought my lunch to work three times
A decent first week I'd say!