Wednesday, September 3, 2008


We made it! Timmy was fantastic on the plane, a little less fantastic once we got here, but amazing none the less. We are staying at the owner of Scott's company's condo. Its a nice three bedroom, two bath apartment, but it is anything but babyproof! Scott started work today, but they told him not to stay all day today or tomorrow or even next week. They want him to be with me and Tim and figure out how this is all going to work out. Awesome.

Last night we ate a quick dinner & bought some necessities at the grocery store: diapers & coke (among other things) :o) Timmy was a rock star at the grocery store, every woman and child in there wanted to poke him & talk to him. He thought it was great.

The plans for today include checking out the huge playground that is part of the apartment complex and wandering through the neighborhood until Scott comes back from his half day of work. So far so good.

We'll have pictures to share soon.

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