This is an email that I sent to my son today after he prayed a prayer of salvation with me. Scott and I created email accounts for our kids so that we could keep a journal of sorts of their lives. (I think I saw this in a google commercial or something). Anyway, today is an amazing day! Rejoice with us!
This morning on our way to preschool we were discussing tornadoes and how the mostly come in the spring and summer. You said you hope you never see one because you're afraid of the wind. I told you that if you ever are in a tornado you just need to be smart and then pray that God would keep you safe. You said you'd pray for the tornado to stop. That works too. :)
Anyway then you were asking lots of questions about all kinds of things and you said "I wonder if all the people would die like your grandma did. She died right?" I said yes. And you said, "so we'll never see her again right?" I replied, "I will see her in heaven because she believed that Jesus was her savior and so do I, so we'll both be in Heaven someday." You said you believed in Jesus too. I asked if you believed that Jesus died so that your sins could be forgiven and you said yes. I asked you if you wanted to pray and ask Jesus to be in your heart and you said. "Yes mom, I believe all of those things." So we prayed, and you repeated after me to be forgiven for your sins and that Jesus would be your savior.
It was such a sweet moment. I am not sure I ever would have said that I think a four and a half year old can fully grasp what salvation is, and I still don't know if you understand everything you said today. I do believe you meant it and that the Bible teaches us to have faith like a child. Today you expressed your faith. I'm so proud of you, and Daddy and I will continue to pray that you would walk with Christ every day of your life. We love you and are celebrating with you today!
Love Mommy & Daddy