Sunday, November 27, 2011


Timmy is a super crafty kid. Here's his latest project...

During November we tried to write down something he was thankful for each night. We didn't remember every night, and some of his illustrations took up to much room, so the list isn't quite complete, but close enough for a four year old.

1. Playing (illustrated with his interpretation of a monster truck)
2. Mom & Dad
3. My Family
4. Evie Timmy
5. Tanks
7. Tanks (again)
8. Cow
9. Books
13. God
15. Friends
17. Bey Blades
20. School
22. My House

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


This has been a month of firsts...
Lincoln's first food...

Timmy's first day of Preschool...

I made my first homemade baby food - carrots. It was a success.

Scott and I ran in our first 5K - the Warrior Dash. Also a success - we survived!

Scott started his first two classes towards earning his MBA at DePaul.

Praise God for change. I love it!

Friday, May 27, 2011

One Month In...

Lincoln is just about one month old now. We've survived two kids thus far, and I only had to wake up once last night to feed him...happy birthday to me! He's getting huge: 10lbs 13oz at four weeks! How does that even happen?

Anyway, the point of this post is to thank all of you for bringing food and gifts and entertaining Timmy while I recovered from the not so great labor and delivery experience that brought us such a blessing. Especially big thank yous to: Mom & Dad, Jim & Cindy Nelson, Sarah Erickson, Lauren Johnson, Jean Rezutko, Amy McGann, Samantha Johnson, Elaine Nelson & Cheryl Wedyck. We feel very loved!

Monday, January 17, 2011


I want to travel. Anywhere. I have approximately until the end of the month before I'm not supposed to fly anymore, no funds and no time off. hmmmmm. Weekend road trip with the husband, toddler? What could we possibly do in two days, with little cash that does not involve a pregnant lady in an ill-fitting bathing suit?

Ideas anyone?