Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Goals 2012

One of my goals for this year is to write at least one blog post a month for 2012 - when we lived in China, posting regularly was easy because life was so ridiculous. Living a normal life here makes blogging seem silly until I look back at the few posts from the last couple years that seemed mundane at the time, but in hindsight are such a great chronicle of our life and kids. So here are my official goals or resolutions for 2012.

1. Start and finish at least 3 paintings
2. Sell at least one of those 3
3. Teach Timmy to swim
4. Read and study the books of Daniel & Isaiah
5. Lose 10 pounds
6. Pray consistently for Scott and my friends
7. Write a blog post at least once a month
8. Pay off our credit card
9. Bring my lunch to work more than once a week
10. Read 3 non-fiction books

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